
I’ve Got A 23 Hour Flight Ahead of Me!!

Hello! It’s yucky and rainy here in MI. I’m looking forward to warmer days ahead. 🙂 I guess I shouldn’t complain, seeing how we’ve had the most mild winter I can even think of happening in my lifetime. Ha ha.

Well, I thought I should give a brief update on what I’ve been up to lately. I’ve been working on getting a trip planned to go down to Paraguay this spring to check things out. And, I’m happy to inform you that it’s happening! I will be making the trek down in MARCH!! Woot, woot! I’m excited to see what ministry with NTM will look like down there and also I’m pretty geeked to meet some new people!! But most of all, I’m excited to be taking one step closer to g0ing to Paraguay to be in full time ministry there. I’m really praying that God would use this trip to show me clear direction and that He can use me in my time there to be an encouragement to the people I will meet.

I will be traveling around for 8-10 days visiting different tribal locations that NTM works in first off. Then, I will be spending 2 weeks living with a Paraguayan family while I learn a bit of the language and culture there. I’m pretty stoked about the whole thing, if you can’t tell. So, you can be praying for me!! I need to get some apps sent out for my visa and such. I got my passport in the mail TODAY!! (Here’s a shout out to my awesome sister-in-law, Katie, and my nieces, Ruth and Grace, for driving down to DEEE-TROIT with me to get it expadited!!) So, things are movin along, but there’s MUCH more to be done!

It seems like it’s taken me forever to reach this point nd there have definetly been discouraging times, but I have been so encouraged reading Romans this week. Especially Romans 4:20-21. ” Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.” And He has promised to love me, save me, hold me, guide me, and show me more of Himself, among many other things. So when it comes down to it, I’ve got nothing to be discouraged about. The same one who holds the stars in His hand holds me close to His heart. And that’s really what it’s all about.

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