
Praise God From Whom ALL Blessings Flow

Hello Friends!

Just thought it would be nice to do a quick update for you all. Once again, I am just so excited, I couldn’t help but share. 🙂DSCN8267

God has been working and providing for me in some really awesome and amazing ways. As of this morning, I am currently at 95% of my monthly needed support to go to Paraguay! He has provided for me so many gracious, astounding, and quick ways. He is faithful to remind me over and over again that HE is the one who is making all things come together.

While raising support, I often would wonder, “Am I doing enough? Am I putting in the amount of effort that is required to raise $2612/month? What else should I do that can help speed up the process?” God has been teaching me over and over again (not just through this process of raising support, but in LOTS of areas of my life) that I shouldn’t be asking, “Am I doing enough?” but I should be asking, “Am I walking with Christ and living my life for the glory of God?” I serve the God of the universe who can do anything He wants in a matter of a second. It doesn’t matter how quickly the support was raised for me to go to Paraguay. What matters is that while I’m raising DSCN8200support to go to Paraguay, I’m glorifying Him. What matters is that I am walking in Truth and with Christ.

So, that being said, will you pray for me? There is still a bit of support left to be raised. I am still speaking at churches and sharing my heart for what God is doing in Paraguay, and there are still opportunities for people to be involved in taking the Good News to the tribal people there! It would be great if God would add to the team of prayer warriors for His work in Paraguay. Also, I am planning to leave around the second week of September, so would you pray that I can use my time wisely??

 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen.




  • Ruthie Reed

    PR and I are thanking the Lord along with you and many others for His grace toward you in relation to your support. We leave Leesburg FL Thursday noon, flying back to MI where PR will be working at Bethany again this summer. We’ve had a wonderful winter here. God bless! Ruthie Reed

    • KatieMae

      Sorry I didn’t respond to this earlier! I just got on finally and saw that you had posted.

      But, thank you. I appreciate it very much. 🙂