
To Live Is Christ


Wow! It’s almost unbelievable that the summer is almost gone and I will be flying to Paraguay in a few short weeks! I am so thankful forimage (1) the time that the Lord has provided me with this summer to meet with so many people and to go on so many mini-trips. It has been such an encouraging time in my life, and I can see the Lord’s faithful hand giving me exactly what I’ve needed at exactly the right time. I am in constant awe at His goodness and mercy to me.

I was amazed at how many of you came to my “Anchor’s Away” party, as well as my commissioning service at church! It was so great to see so many people and say some goodbyes “in person”, as well as being encouraged by so many people through their love and prayers. My commissioning service was WONDERFUL! I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed me to be a part of Graham Church! It was so awesome to see so many people come to (0nce again) hear what God has for me in Paraguay, as well as send me off. It was a precious time for me. We sang all my favorite songs, and all of my favorite Bible verses were read. There were charges given by my dad and 3 men from my church who have all been so influential in my spiritual growth. I am so grateful for the advice they gave, as well as the time and love they have invested into my life, so that was extremelyimage (2) special. The night ended with the entire congregation coming up and praying for me and laying hands on me. I am so thankful for this wonderful night – I was so encouraged by the love and support given by everyone involved.

You may be wondering how I will be spending my last 3 weeks in the states. Simply put, the answer is PACKING, PACKING, PACKING! Yes, that’s correct. I haven’t packed my bags yet! Trying to squeeze in last minute visits with everyone poses a packing problem! Haha. I also hope to spend some much needed time with my family. Unfortunately, they’ve been getting the short end of the stick lately. But, I’m looking imageforward to these next few weeks, savoring every moment. I have been praying a lot for this last bit of time, as well as my future in Paraguay. I’ve been meditating and praying Philippians 1:20-21 a lot lately:

…It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

I am praying that in everything I do and say, the glory will go to Christ. I am praying that I will not focus on the “what-ifs” or the “how-will-this-works” but will focus on bringing honor and glory to my Savior in all things. Please be praying with me: that above all else, my focus will be on Christ and not on myself or my circumstances.

It’s crazy to think that more than likely, my next post will be from Paraguay! I am so excited to20130811_183215 finally be there, and am looking forward to being a part of the nations in Paraguay coming to know Him as Savior. My life will be different, but I can confidently say life will be good and awesome, walking alongside Christ.


  • Michael T. Kivisalu


    May God’s grace be with you. I am reminded of John 16:31-33, when Jesus reassures his disciples just before they are about to go through a very difficult time. After God’s judgment on the Israelites, He states in Isaiah 54:11-17 that He will once again preserve and protect them. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God which is in Jesus, as Paul states in Romans 8:22-39. Remember these things when circumstances do not go as expected and Satan tries to accuse you (falsely) of various failings and inadequacies, as is his pattern. God is greater, and He is for you regardless. If you commit any sin (as all of us do from time to time), the blood of Jesus is there to wipe it away so that you remain clean and perfect in God’s eyes. Also, Psalm 103, 102, and 145 have been an encouragement to me lately.

    • KatieMae

      Thank you so very much for the kind words, as well as the encouragement they are bringing! I will be sure to read those passages you mentioned and remind myself of the steadfast love and protection of the Lord. 🙂

  • Julie Hostetler

    Hi Katie!
    It is exciting to see that you are so close to embarking on this great adventure to take the Gospel to the Paraguay! Praying that all things will come together and that you will be able to spend some quality time with your family! May God bless you as you begin the countdown to your departure!

    • KatieMae

      Thank you for the encouragement and prayers, Julie! I appreciate them so much, and am praising the Lord for them!! 🙂