November News
Hello Friends!!
It’s so hard to believe that it is almost the end of November already! My days seem to fly by so fast, and before I know it, weeks and months have passed!
We have officially entered hot season here in Paraguay! Which seems so weird to say in November! I sometimes wonder if I will ever get used to the flip-flop of the seasons. Maybe some day … 🙂
Thank you everyone who knew about and was praying for my eval! Time unfortunately got away from me, so I wasn’t able to inform you all when it would be. I was literally on my way to my eval and thought, “Goodness! I didn’t let my people know and ask them to pray! Unfortunately, I didn’t pass this time, but they said I was SUPER close!! These higher levels really are quite tough! But God is faithful, and I am so thankful that I can ALWAYS trust in HIS perfect timing!
These past few months have been full of weddings, welcoming a baby, meetings, my eval, and of course all my normal stuff, like studying and spending as much time as possible with people. One thing that I have been enjoying more and more is teaching Sunday School for some dear little ones in my church here in Asunción. It may or may not have anything to do with me being able to speak Spanish a little bit better each time … 😉
One thing that was an awesome and new thing for me was my missionary friend had her first baby here in Paraguay, and I was privileged enough to be able to spend lots of time with her and the baby in the hospital. She hasn’t been here for too long, so just wanted a little bit extra support in the language department. It was stretching and so interesting for me to be in this kind of environment, and it really put my Spanish to the test multiple times. This beautiful little boy was born without any complications, praise God, and he’s growing lots and doing well. It’s no big secret that I love being an auntie, so I was so excited to have yet another little one to call me “TÃa Katie”, which is “aunt” in Spanish.
One thing that I have been more and more encouraged with is my growing friendships. As I dig deeper into Spanish and Paraguayan culture, it is so awesome to be able to dig deeper into the lives of my beloved friends as well. It so encourages my heart to be able to hear and understand the things that the Lord is laying on their hearts, as well as being able to express to them the things that the Lord is teaching me. It’s also fun to chat with them about the very first times they met or saw me, and talk about how much I could (or COULDN’T!) communicate or how I was really quiet (I know what you’re thinking – “Katie …
quiet?!” haha! What can I say? Language learning and new cultures bring out weird things in me!) Some of my favorite times are when they call me up after work and ask what I’m doing, wanting to just swing by, have a snack, and chat about our weeks or whatever else comes up. But with each passing moment, I am so thankful that the Lord brought these awesome ladies into my life to grow with and be stretched alongside one another. It’s definitely going to be rough leaving such awesome ladies! But I am praising God for the time He has allowed me to have with them!
And actually, it looks like that time is coming sooner rather than later. The Lord has worked it out for me to be able to return to the States on December 9th of this year! I am so excited to be in the snow, be able to enjoy steamy cups of coffee a little more (cause it won’t be over 100 degrees!), and be with family and friends, especially in time for Christmas! So, it’s been a whirlwind of packing up my house this last week and moving out. I had lots of help, which I’m SO SO thankful for!
I will be home for 6 months, taking my furlough. I am SO excited to be able to see all of you guys who live stateside SUPER soon! I would love to connect with each and every one of you! PLEASE let me know if you would be interested in meeting up, and I’ll be there! I’m really looking forward to sharing with you guys what God has done in my heart these last 2 years, more of what He is doing in Paraguay, and how we can play a part in seeing the tribal people that live here reached with the Truth of Chirst!!
If you would be praying along with me that during these next two weeks I would:
1. Be fixing my eyes on Christ, resting and trusting in Him and His awesomeness.
2. That I would be able to visit with lots of people! Seeing and saying goodbye to everyone is going to be a little rough, but it will be worth it!
3. That I would be able to clean/organize everything I need to before heading off!
4. That despite the fact it will be hard leaving and saying goodbye to so many people (and my pup! 🙂 ) that I will still shine the light of Christ.
THANK YOU for praying for me, encouraging me, loving on me, and supporting me! I always praise the Lord for you all! I really do think I have the best support team!! And don’t forget to let me know when it might work best to connect with you! Looking forward to seeing you all!
One Comment
Jen VanWormer
Katie~I am SOOOOOO EXCITED you will be here soon!!! I will pray for your prep & flights as you get ready & say goodbye to everyone! May God give you strength, stamina, & peace & wisdom as you prepare & come home! Can’t WAIT to see you!!!!!
??~ Jen
( As your sister says, “the OTHER Jen!)