Hello Friends!
I have been so encouraged by all your emails, comments on Facebook, and replies to my last blog update, as well as all the prayers
that I know you are lifting up on my behalf. God is so good, and I am so thankful for all of you!! The Lord has truly blessed me with the opportunity to know and love all of you. 🙂
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospell from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
– Philippians 1:3-6
I have been able to go to my new church, which was so great. Everyone was so inviting and welcoming! Please keep praying that I would be able to build relationships there quickly, and that I would have opportunities to serve there even though I don’t know Spanish yet. I had a very encouraging time with my Pastor and his wife, along with a couple of missionary couples here that will be helping me with my language learning. They did a lot of translating. Haha!
I have also been able to spend some time with my host family, and they are already helping me learn Spanish. 😉
There are a few things that you could be praying for as I’m learning to live life here in Paraguay. 🙂
1. I am in need of a place to live — I am currently still at the guest house that NTM has here, but would like to move into my own
apartment as soon as possible. Moving into my own place would be so helpful in adjusting to my new surroundings, as well as being able to build relationships better (since I would be living closer to where the people in my church live).
2. That I would keep adjusting well — So far, there haven’t been any major problems with adjusting to life in Paraguay, but I am quite confident that they will eventually come. 🙂 It is also hard being so far away from everyone that I know and love so much. Would you be praying that I will be able to walk in Truth and remember that I am serving the God of the Universe (who has everything under His control)? Would you be praying that I will BELIEVE and REMEMBER that HE IS WORTHY of me giving Him everything I have to serve Him?
3. That I can (even now) build some deep, meaningful relationships
4. For continued support — both prayerfully and financially. As I have stated to many of you (I’m sure MANY TIMES 🙂 ) I can’t do this task of living Paraguay and learning culture and language by myself. I need to be following the Lord and His direction, and I need His constant provision for all things, and sometimes He uses people like you to do it! PRAISE THE LORD that I am not in this alone!
5. For the people of Paraguay (especially those in the tribe) — that they would KNOW and LOVE the King of Glory and desire to spend their lives and all of eternity serving Him.
Matt Sawyer
I love you Katie. Work hard, honor God. I’m praying for you right now.
Love, Uncle Matt
jonathan hamilton
Good to hear the update, especially prayer requests! BBC youth group has been praying for you!
Love ya Lots
You continue to do a great job as you continue to trust the Lord to work in you and through you. Praise God for His faithfulness. Everything will come in its time, language, culture, your home and many friends and co-workers. God Bless you in all that you do for Him. John
Lois Walworth
Katie Mae,
Bless you and your work and service to our Lord in Paraguay, to the tribes people,
God’s people! I want to reassure you, your not in Paraguay alone, but your prayer requests are heard and written in my prayer journal. Will be praying for you! Take care, your sister in Christ. Lois
Amy Knight
Praying Jude 24-25 for you… “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority…” Love you and am praying for you – knowing God is glorified in you!!! Thanks for sharing your life 🙂