Mi Nueva Casita
Welcome to my new home in Paraguay! Come, walk down my extremely long hallway to get to my little house! 😉 (And, this is less than half the hallway, by the way!)
Here is my lovely home:
Please, walk through my gate onto my cute little porch (that I haven’t done anything with yet 😉 ):
Here is what you see when you go through my front door – the Living Room:
And next you come to the Dining Room:
Off the Dining Room is my Kitchen:
And my Bathroom:
And also my Bedroom:
Outside the windows in the Dining Room, you’ll find a cute back patio where I could (eventually) sit and study or just get some sun, and it is also where I do my Laundry:
I hope you enjoyed the “tour”!
Lisa Brandt
Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Love it! 😉
Jerrie Gorenflo
Sure enjoyed the tour of your home! I was just sharing the story of your journey in deputation and how the Lord provided for you to get where you are, slow and steady and wonderfully! Of course I mentioned no names or locations but it encouraged my heart anew and that of the one I was sharing it with!
How is language study coming along?
Lois Walworth
Thanks for the tour. Enjoyed it. Nice home.
Jane Binger
Katie Sure enjoyed the tour you set-up and you must be real excited to be in you new home. God Bless you for all you do and keep spreading the word of our Lord Jesus, people need him more than ever now.
God is a Awesome God
Jane Binger
Judy Parks
Thanks for the lovely tour. It was nice to see where you are living. We pray for you regularly at First Baptist Church, Calumet,MI.
Jane Binger
Sure is a nice place, God is so good to us. I wrote to you before but don`t know if it was sent or not.